Trading as Powell Eddison Solicitors 
Trading as Avery Walters Ellis Solicitors 
New Driving Laws introduced in October 
In addition to the many new driving laws and Highway Code changes introduced earlier in the year, October has seen a raft of new laws being introduced. 
The Metropolitan Police have dropped their speed limit threshold by one mile an hour. You could now be prosecuted if you exceed the speed limit by 10 percent pus 2 mph. 
Mobile Phone Usage 
You cannot now legally use your mobile phone at any time during a journey. If you are caught using your phone you can be fined £200 and have six points added to your licence. 
Speed Limiters 
All new cars are required to have a speed limiter. This works by restricting the engine’s power. The driver will still be responsible for staying within the speed limit. 
Transporting Goods into Europe 
A licence will now be required to carry people or goods for reward or hire. This would include shared cost group minibus trips into the EU or Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Iceland. 
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and your injuries are leaving you feeling you may need to make a RTA injury claim, please call us on 01423 564551 or fill in our contact form and one of the team will call you back to discuss. 
David Cartwright 
Personal Injury Solicitor 
For further information, click here 
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