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Posts from September 2022

What is the Highway Code? 
First introduced in 1931, the Highway Code includes the regulations, rules and guidelines all road users must follow to use the roads safely. Whilst not ‘the law’ it includes legal requirements. Failure to comply with advice or guidance can be used to establish liability in a civil claim for damages. 
You may have made a Will, but what happens if your loved ones are unable to locate it when you die?  
If your Will or a copy cannot be found after you die, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the intestacy rules, or in line with an earlier redundant Will, meaning your wishes may not be fulfilled. This may be because your family or loved ones mistakenly believe you did not create one or have cancelled or destroyed it. 
You can ensure that you protect your loved ones by registering your Will with Certainty, the National Will register. 
It may seem like a good idea to draft your own Will to avoid incurring solicitors’ fees. However, it is important to understand that this may not be cost-effective in the long run, despite how appealing it may be. After all, you wouldn’t cut your own hair, so why draft your own Will? 
What is a dilapidation? 
This is the process a landlord needs to follow to recover any loss that has occurred as a result of the tenant failing, at the end of the lease, to return the property having reinstated any items of disrepair or damage according to the repairing standard. It is basically an exit cost for the tenant and relates to restoring the property back to its original state. Dilapidations relate to commercial properties.