Medical negligence can happen in a number of contexts and may involve private or NHS treatment. Hospital doctors, nurses, GPs and dentists can make negligent errors causing injury to their patients. Sometimes a key symptom is overlooked or there is a failure to perform a key test, scan or refer the patient to a specialist. This might lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment of an underlying condition which could have devastating consequences. Our team has dealt with a wide range of clinical negligence claims.
An experienced Solicitor will be happy to advise and then take on any claims involving Medical Negligence. These might include claims against the hospital, the GP Surgery or some other clinical organisation. Claims may be brought against the NHS or private individuals and organisations. Our team have dealt with hundreds of these types of claim which can include, for example, missed diagnosis, failed treatment, negligent surgery or mistakes with cosmetic surgery. We are proud to boast great results in at least providing some redress to our clients in the form of compensation for errors which have often altered their lives.
As with all our Medical Negligence cases we will offer to pursue the claim under a NO WIN NO FEE scheme giving you peace of mind that you will not be a penny out of pocket even if for some reason the claim is unsuccessful.
Our personal injury team have experience in an extensive range of injuries and mistreatment such as:
Failure to Diagnose or Misdiagnosis
Cosmetic Surgery
Dispensing Errors
Nursing Home Claims
Patient Deaths
Surgical Errors.