Trading as Powell Eddison Solicitors 
Trading as Avery Walters Ellis Solicitors 

Funding your Claim 

Legal costs associated with an Employment Tribunal Claim are almost always paid for by each party. Costs are very rarely awarded in Tribunals unlike in the County Court or High Court. A Claimant should assume that he or she will have to meet their own legal costs. 
An employment claim can be funded in one of three ways  

01.  Legal Expenses Insurance 

This form of funding is becoming increasingly common as Insurance Companies are now trying to become more competitive and innovative with their range of services. Therefore, it is important that you look at your insurance policy carefully at the start to see if you have cover.  
NB: Insurers will try to get you to use their panel Solicitors as they have agreed rates in advance, but the law states that you can choose whichever law firm you want if you have such a policy. 
Most individuals are unaware that they may have legal expense insurance cover provided by their household home contents insurance policy. We always advise clients to check their insurance policy as a starting point. Such policies will normally cover legal costs incurred from start to finish of a case subject to the strength of your claim.  
Please note that the cost of our initial advice may not be covered by the policy. 

02.  Damages Based Agreement (‘No Win No Fee’) 

At the outset, we will review your claim and will consider acting for you on a Damages Based Agreement, often called a ‘NO WIN NO FEE’. Not all cases are approppriate for a NO WIN NO FEE and this depends on the strength of your case and the likely level of compensation recoverable. 
As the name suggests if you are unsuccessful in your claim, then we will not charge you except for any disbursements (such as tribunal fees or barristers costs) that may have been agreed and paid during the course of the proceedings. However, if you win we will be entitled to charge you an agreed percentage of the compensation you receive 

03.  Private Fee Basis 

In this case we would charge you on an hourly rate basis and you are invoiced every month for the time we spend on dealing with your claim. We believe our rates are highly competitive and represent value for money especially given the expertise of our team of specialist employment lawyers. 
NB: Tribunal claims are expensive to fund and you should only really consider this option if you do not have Legal Expenses Insurance or in the event that your case is not suitable for a NO WIN NO FEE. 
Andrew Parascandolo 
Employment Solicitor 


Phone: 01423 564551 
Email: ap@powell-eddison.co.uk 
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