Hospital Falls & Negligence Claims
Posted on 9th September 2022 at 11:52
It is not an exaggeration to say but there are a quarter of a million falls in hospital settings each year in England and Wales. This is a fact from a recent survey carried out on the subject.
Often the patient who falls is over 65 years or at least vulnerable, given that they are already at hospital requiring treatment.
Falls can result in death or severe injury including fractures. No fall can be regarded as entirely harmless.
When an in-patient first enters the hospital they are accessed as to whether they are a falls risk. This will very much depend upon age, conditions that they suffer with and any past history of falling.
Those at the greatest risk will often be put on observation and will require assistance when moving about when in the hospital. In these circumstances, if the patient falls when staff should have been watching or assisting them, then the hospital will be to blame, and a claim can be brought.
The statistics back up the point that this type of claim is not uncommon.
An analysis of the medical records in the context of all the circumstances of the case is required at the outset. It can be a time-consuming exercise but also a necessary one.
I have successfully recovered compensation in many of these types of cases when injuries have occurred. Some injuries are of a minor nature whilst some can be fatal. If an injury of this type has occurred within the last 3 years I would invite you to contact me and allow me to investigate the circumstances under a No Win No Fee Agreement
David Cartwright
Personal Injury Solicitor
For further information, click here

Tagged as: Medical Negligence, Personal Injury
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